So You’ve Got Celiac Disease, Now What? A Guide to Gluten-Free Bread

If you’ve been recently diagnosed with celiac disease, you’re probably wondering what you can eat now. It can be difficult to accept the idea of eliminating certain foods from your diet altogether. But luckily, Queen Street Bakery is here to help!

May is Celiac Awareness Month, so we’re here to share some information about celiac disease, gluten, and how Queen Street Bakery can help with your new gluten-free diet.

What is Celiac Disease?

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease where eating gluten causes damage to the small intestine.

Did you know? 1 in 100 people worldwide have celiac disease!

When someone with celiac disease eats gluten, their immune system goes into overdrive and attacks the small intestines. This is a major concern, as the small intestine is where nutrients are absorbed, so this damage can lead to low intake of important nutrients, even if you’re eating enough.

All of this can lead to symptoms like:

  • Bloating
  • Diarrhea or Constipation
  • Gas
  • Feeling sick (Nausea or vomiting)
  • Stomach pain

Who can get Celiac Disease?

Celiac disease is genetic (runs in families) and can develop at any age. If a close relative like a parent, child, or sibling has the disease, there is a 1 in 10 chance you will also develop it.

How is Celiac Disease Treated?

As of right now, the only treatment for celiac disease is to follow a 100% gluten-free diet.

This is where Queen Street Bakery comes in! All of our products are certified gluten-free, designed for people with celiac disease.

So… What is Gluten Anyway?

Gluten is a protein found in:

  • Wheat
  • Rye
  • Barley
  • Triticale (mix of wheat and rye)

Gluten is found in lots of foods you’d expect, like bread and baked goods, and some foods you would think of like soy sauce, some broths, and more.

Gluten is like the glue that holds everything together. It helps the dough rise and gives bread that light and airy texture you all know and love!

But What Happens When We Take Gluten Out?

Most gluten-free breads lose their elasticity and are grainy, dense, and crumbly.

But at Queen Street Bakery, we believe that gluten-free bread doesn’t have to suck. So, we use gluten-free ingredients like ground chia seeds and bean flours that lock in moisture and give the bread that chewy texture you want. All of our products go through quality testing to ensure they are soft and airy, because you deserve great bread too!

Check out our TikTok video for a “Squish Test” of Queen Street Bakery’s product versus other gluten-free breads.

“I Heard Gluten-Free Bread Is Bad for You”

The truth is, this is often true. Most gluten-free breads are made from flours and starches like rice flour, rice starch, modified tapioca starch, corn starch, and potato starch, which don’t provide much in the way of nutrition. This leads to loaves that will leave you wanting more, instead of satisfying your carby craving.

At Queen Street Bakery, our slogan is “Bread with Benefits” for a reason. We use a blend of gluten-free Superfood flours like Sorghum flour, White Bean flour, Millet flour, Ground chia seeds and flax seeds to give you real nutrition benefits and keep you satisfied.

Compared to other gluten-free breads, we have:

  • 10x the fibre
  • ½ the sodium
  • 2x the protein
  • 3x the iron

The gluten-free flours we use are high in vitamins and minerals, which is great for everyone, especially those with celiac disease.

Some of the vitamins and minerals found in our flours include:

  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)
  • Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
  • Vitamin B9 (Folate)
  • Manganese
  • Copper
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium

Check out our website’s “Our Story” page for a more detailed breakdown of our flours.

What can you do to support those with Celiac Disease?

On May 16th, we wear green to support those with celiac disease! Queen Street Bakery would be honoured to be a part of your day. Find our products online or in a store near you!

Need recipes? Check out our Instagram page for gluten-free recipe inspiration!

Remember to Eat Toast and Boast!

Follow us on Instagram and TikTok for more recipes, updates, and fun!

This article was written by Daniella Nestico, MHSc(c) & reviewed by Alicia Lang, RD, MHSc.